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Creating A Culture of Accountability with Mark Green: Part 1

Join us this week with Mark Green, Senior Gravitas Impact coach and author. Green addresses the essence of his monograph Creating A Culture of Accountability.

“Accountability is the underlying big problem that a myriad of other persistent, annoying expensive and unresolved other problems always seem to point to,” Green shared.

Do you have slower than desired monthly financial reporting? Inconsistently applied processes? Do you routinely miss your sales targets? Underperforming employees? Do you have a lot of last-minute problems or fire-drills? “Accountability is usually the problem behind any number of these symptoms. It is frustrating and it is costly.

In this podcast, Green provides CEOs with a key question to self-assess their progress in each of the three elements of organizational accountability: 

Leading By Example – “Do I regularly exhibit the accountable behaviors myself?” 

Role Accountability – “Does every employee have outcomes clarity?” 

Process Accountability – “Are accountability elements built into our leadership, planning, and execution processes?”

Contact Mark Green

Purchase Creating A Culture of Accountability

Building a Breakthrough Leadership Team with Mike Goldman

Join us this week with Mike Goldman, Senior Gravitas Impact coach and author. Goldman uses his 30+ years of coaching and consulting to weigh in on the root issue facing companies worldwide, the lack of a strong senior leadership team.

“The biggest difference between a great company and a failing company is the leadership team,” Goldman shares. But what is a great company? Goldman shares that, at some level, great companies boil down to these three elements, “Top and bottom line growth, a fulfilling learning environment for employees and value to society. At some level the great CEOs and Leadership Teams want that, and what I want to do through coaching and through this book is help them get there quicker, healthier and in a more holistic way”

In his newly-released book, Breakthrough Leadership Team: Strengthening the Heart and Soul of Your Company, Goldman dives deeper on how to structure your team now and plan for future growth, get the right people on the team and the wrong people off the team, craft the right culture, develop your talent, and execute with discipline and accountability to achieve these goals.

Buy Breakthrough Leadership Team now on Amazon!

The Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

Join us this week with Michael Bungay Stanier, speaker, author of The Coaching Habit and founder of Box of Crayons. Michael and his company work worldwide to transform companies from advice-driven to curiosity-led. In this week’s podcast, Michael addresses key concepts from his upcoming book, The Advice Trap.

Michael shares, “Your advice is not nearly as good as you think it is. It isn’t as smart as you think it is, and it isn’t as useful as you think it is. In fact, your role as a leader is actually really not to be providing nearly as much advice as you are currently doing.”

“You have to acknowledge how much we are all wired to give advice. We’ve been taught all our lives that having the answer is the thing to do. This is the way you add value.”

Michael shared the three ways that your drive to always have the answer can get in the way:

1. Most of the time you are trying to solve the wrong problem.
2. Your advice just isn’t as good as you think it is.
3. Your advice can be diminishing to you and to the other person.

Listen to the podcast to learn how you can change your patterns of behavior and, with it, transform the culture of your workplace from know-it-all to learn-it-all!

Michael’s new book, The Advice Trap, is available for pre-order now on Amazon!

Increasing Your Return on Investment Capital as an Entrepreneur with Greg Crabtree – Part 2

Join us with Greg Crabtree, speaker, entrepreneur, financial expert and author of Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! As the CEO of Crabtree, Rowe & Berger, PC, he’s dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build the economic engine of their business.

“I often ask entrepreneurs the question, ‘What do you think the appropriate return on invested capital in your business should be?’ Many say anywhere between 15-20%. Would it shock you if I said that the minimum number should be 50%, and the average is closer to 75-90%?”

“The biggest challenge I see facing entrepreneurs is they frequently don’t understand the investment value of their business as it sits in their hands. Until you understand your business as an investment, you’re really just living moment to moment,” Crabtree shares.

In the second part of this two-part podcast, Crabtree outlines what entrepreneurs should expect from their investment capital, and how they can increase their return on that investment.

Increasing Your Return on Investment Capital as an Entrepreneur with Greg Crabtree

Join us with Greg Crabtree, speaker, entrepreneur, financial expert and author of Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! As the CEO of Crabtree, Rowe & Berger, PC, he’s dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build the economic engine of their business.

“I often ask entrepreneurs the question, ‘What do you think the appropriate return on invested capital in your business should be?’ Many say anywhere between 15-20%. Would it shock you if I said that the minimum number should be 50%, and the average is closer to 75-90%?”

“The biggest challenge I see facing entrepreneurs is they frequently don’t understand the investment value of their business as it sits in their hands. Until you understand your business as an investment, you’re really just living moment to moment,” Crabtree shares.

In this podcast, Crabtree outlines what entrepreneurs should expect from their investment capital, and how they can increase their return on that investment.