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Made To Thrive with Brad Giles

Join us this week with Brad Giles, Gravitas Impact Coach and author of Made to Thrive. As a lifelong entrepreneur, Giles’ passion has always centered around building companies, and understanding the difference between a good company and a great one. In many ways, that difference can rest on the shoulders of the leader.

Giles advises, “In order to make your effort count for the most, it’s important to understand that the role of a leader is really about not doing other people’s job, and doing your own.”

In his recently released book, Made to Thrive: The Five Roles to Evolve Beyond Your Leadership Comfort Zone, Giles uncovers the five roles a leader must fill to consistently achieve great results. On this podcast, Giles uncovers each role and addresses the need to evolve beyond your comfort zone as a leader in each of these.

The Five Roles:

1. Accountability
2. Ambassador
3. Culture
4. Strategy
5. Succession Planning

Optimizing Profit through Skillful Tax Strategies with Brett Ellen

Join us this week with Brett Ellen, President & CEO of American Financial Network as he shares his expertise on how CEOs can optimize their Tax Planning throughout the Year to increase the net take on their net income.

If you’re paying net taxes of above 15% you need to think through your process,” Ellen advises.

His best advice? Be Proactive. “As you build your business throughout the year, you need to think about your tax strategy.”

As a leader, “You want to navigate all the opportunities at the company level to be able to do smart planning at the individual.”

Ellen shares advice on using proactive planning, R&D credits, conversation easement, company insurance and other tools to optimize your profit and grow your business.

Mastering Your Productivity as a CEO with Hao Lam

Join us this week with Hao Lam, author of From Bad to Worse to Best in Class.  Lam shares his personal story of escaping Vietnam as a refugee, and finding his passion for providing education worldwide.  As CEO and Chairman of Best in Class Education Center, Lam has devoted his entire career to advocate for supplemental education. He continues to do so as a Gravitas Impact coach.

Many CEOs struggle with mastering their own productivity as they encourage a culture of accountability in their organization. Lam shares his own schedule to demonstrate the habits and tools he’s used to monitor and improve his time management skills in both his personal and professional life.

Among his advice, Lam recommends creating a weekly schedule to share with an accountability group, whether in your organization or out of it, with a 0-10 scoring scale to indicate your progress on these 3-5 major goals. Lam also suggests cutting 5 minutes off your meeting times to send a recap and action items email, and to avoid meetings that don’t have a clearly outlined PAO: Purpose, Agenda and Outcome.

A lot of CEOs feel constantly busy, overwhelmed and inundated. Your time is a valuable resource for you and for your organization. Look at how you can manage your time more effectively, and master productivity.


Finding Your Purpose As A CEO with Petr Ludwig

Join us this week with Petr Ludwig, author of “The End of Procrastination” and founder of With a Bachelor’s Degree in IT, Masters in Law and a Masters in Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Ludwig has a passion for uncovering data on the human condition to facilitate change.

Ludwig believes that CEOs and company leaders have an opportunity to close the gap between what’s happening in their culture and what science tells us needs to happen to make the workplace great.

“What is even more important than happiness at work is seeing purpose in work,” Ludwig explains, “It’s less about buying fuzzball tables and more about inspiring people to find meaning in their work.”

“The problem is that we live in a world full of low-quality information. Understanding the science behind what is important, makes CEOs more competent.”

This concept is important for CEOs too, Ludwig shares. “CEOs need to be leaders of the movement in their own lives to inspire others to find their purpose at work.”

A long term study in Okinawa, Japan revealed that the residents lived an average of 10 years longer due in part to prioritizing their life’s purpose, a Japanese concept called “Ikigai,” or “long life purpose.”  Ludwig recommends that CEOs apply these principles to their own lives first, asking themselves these essential questions:

  1. What am I good at?
  2. What do I love?
  3. What does the world need?
  4. What can I get paid for?

“As a CEO your Ikigai can be, in part, to help others find their Ikigai.”

Building a System of Innovation with Sara Castiglioni

Join us this week with Gravitas Impact Premium Coach Sara Castiglioni from Buenos Aires as she addresses the three challenges your company might be facing as you move towards the future.

Castiglioni’s approach is direct, “Be the system you want to see in the world.” 

She recommends asking yourself, then your company, three critical questions:

Where are we?
Where do we want to be?
Why are we not there yet?

The impediments your company might be facing as you move towards the future fall into three categories:

PEOPLE: Do you have the right team in place?
FEAR: Do they feel like they have a voice?
LEADERSHIP: Are you, the CEO, stopping the change in your company?

Castiglioni advises CEOs to begin change within themselves as they implement a system, and culture, of innovation within their company.

1. Be Humble
2. Trust your Team
3. Be Willing to Take Risks