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Developing Millennials who Manage with Chip Espinoza

Join us this week with Chip Espinoza, recently named a top 15 global thought leader on the future of work by the Economic Times, and co-author of Managing the Millenials, Millenials at Work and Millenials who Manage.

Espinoza addresses the disconnect between managers and the young professionals they manage, especially as these young professionals begin managing and leading teams of their own.

“If we don’t engage young professionals where they are, we’re going to miss out on the opportunity to develop them and transfer knowledge to them. If we wait for them to start thinking like us, we are not going to make it into the future.” 

The love language of young professionals is career development, Espinoza shares. And that’s a good thing. Espinoza believes that Millennials have the native ability to be good managers.

However, he adds, “The people with the most responsibility in an organization have to be the first to adapt.”

Through his years of research, Espinoza has found that “The most effective managers have the ability to suspend the bias of their own experience.” 

6 Steps to Topgrading with Michelle LaVallee

Join us this week with Michelle LaVallee, Gravitas Impact Alumni and Topgrading Champion. Michelle has conducted over a thousand Topgrading Interviews across multiple industries worldwide.

Today, she’s sharing the top 6 ways in which to increase your chances of hiring an A Player, and decrease the risk of hiring other candidates.

During this Topgrading overview, Michelle will review best practices that include:

  • Conducting Quarterly Talent Reviews.
  • Using Job Scorecards effectively.
  • Recognizing A Player patterns during interviews.
  • Spotting B/C Player “Red Flag” patterns.
  • Recruiting from A Player Networks.
  • Using Tandem Interviews to increase hiring success by 25%.

And More!

The People Problem with Jay Niblick

Join us this week with Jay Niblick, the Founder and CEO of Innermetrix Incorporated and Co-Founder of Wizehire, as he discusses the problems facing CEOs as they manage people and talent within their companies.

“CEOs often focus on working IN the business rather than working ON the business,” Jay shares. “But if finding developing and keeping the best talent, isn’t your first thought each day, you’re already losing.”

Do you do a better job at the managing of things than the managing of people?

Jay walks through the key elements of the People Problem, and how to address it successfully within your business.

What is Reactive Selling Costing You? with Alex Goldfayn

Join us this week with Alex Goldfayn, author of The Wall Street Journal bestseller Selling Boldly, as he discusses the cost of REACTIVE selling in your organization. 

What is REACTIVE selling costing your organization in revenue, time and effectiveness? 

Alex walks through the Selling Boldly approach to engaging clients and prospects in new, effective ways. From asking “Did You Know” questions to getting referrals, PROACTIVE selling changes how your sales team approaches business. 

“Your organization spends 100% of its time talking to the 10-20% of customers who are unhappy. This type of fear-based reactive selling is costing your organization millions.” 

FREE TOOL: The Did You Know Planner

Measuring the Success of Your Sales Team with Mike Carroll

Join us this week with Mike Carroll, Founder and Managing Partner of Intelligent Conversations, as he shares his insights into “Measuring Your Sales Team’s Success.”

Carroll addresses how the newest CRM technology influences the way companies should report and assess the performance of their sales teams, including the metrics they should prioritize. “CEOs are getting distracted by all the tools available to them. Be careful that you don’t have a false sense of security from forecasts and reports,” Carroll cautions.

Metrics to Measure:

1. Net New Opportunities – How many opportunities are we adding to the pipeline?
2. Pipeline Movement – Consider time limits for how long opportunities should sit at a stage.
3. Win Ratio – How many opportunities are getting to a proposal, are we winning our share of proposals? If not, why not?

“I would rather have fewer hours spent putting proposals together and winning more of that number, than throwing a pile of proposals at the wall and seeing what sticks.”